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- Briscoe, Laramie
Only The Beginning (Rockin' Country) Page 7
Only The Beginning (Rockin' Country) Read online
Page 7
“No, you did good, I’m surprised you did so well actually.”
“Grab my phone and thank my mom.”
She laughed. Immediately, she thought that she would probably like his mom. As they passed a sign that told them they had 100 miles left to go, she watched their surroundings. “This is nice, driving in a car where you can see your surroundings.”
“I know—you can see what’s coming at you. Really though, I like to drive,” he told her as he switched lanes and passed a slow moving car.
“That works out well, because I’m a rider. I usually text or check my phone while Shell drives.”
“Speaking of her, what is she doing while you spend tonight and tomorrow with me?”
Again she felt the sadness about leaving her friend behind. “She told me she was going to rent a movie and get some room service. Ya know, enjoy her time alone,” she bit her lip and looked over at his profile.
“I should have told you to invite her, but I never even thought about it,” he admitted.
“She told me she’s a big girl; she can take care of herself, so I’m going to do my absolute best just to have fun while we’re together.”
He wagged his eyebrows at her. “I’ll be sure to help you however I can. I’ll be whatever you need me to be.”
A blush covered her cheeks. “Why do I get the feeling that you mean that in a completely different way than how I’m taking it?”
“Because I’m a guy, and you’re not trustful of guys. It’s okay though, I’ll worm my way under your skin, and then you’ll wonder how you ever lived without me. It’s kinda what I do with people.”
He was so confident that she had to laugh. “Is that right?”
“That’s right. Ask anybody. The first time I asked any of the guys to be in the band, they all told me no. Yet here we are a decade later with millions of records sold, millions of fans, and sold-out tours wherever we go. I think they’ve learned not to doubt me and just trust that I can make the right decisions for everyone involved.”
“So what decisions do you have for me? I’m curious.”
He stuck his lip out, pretending to ponder her. “I think you should just learn to say ‘fuck you’ and have a good time.”
“I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to do one of those things, but I think maybe you could show me how to cut loose and have a good time.”
“I think I can too, if only you would let me.”
She shifted in her seat, leaning her head against the window as they pulled off the main highway and went into downtown traffic. “I guess I could let you, and I guess this weekend would be a good a time to start as any.”
They pulled up to the hotel, and he popped the lock on the doors to let the valet open them. “Then come on, Ms. Stewart, your good time awaits.”
Chapter Ten
* * *
To say it was unusual for Hannah to be sitting back, letting a man other than a concierge carry her luggage, was an understatement. No man that she had ever dated, casually or seriously, had ever done things like that for her. In the back of her mind, she could hear Shell’s voice telling her that she’d never dated a man before. It was exciting and it made her feel that much more like a grown up.
“We’re on the top floor. I pulled rank with the guys and got the biggest suite they have. I now have to grovel for the next week, but after you see this place, you’ll realize it was worth it,” he grinned at her, putting a key card in the elevator and hitting the correct button.
“Garrett, you didn’t have to do that for me. I would have been perfectly happy with whatever room you normally stay in,” she protested.
“Nah, really. It was fine. Off and on we’ve done it for different people. I haven’t done it in a while, and I wanted to do it for you. It’s not a big deal,” he assured her.
Well, that was kind of a lie. It had been a big deal. The guys had given him a ton of shit for it. They’d made fun of him in their vulgar way and then proceeded to make sweet kissing sounds for the remainder of their bus ride. When it had finally come to a stop in Omaha, he was looking forward to his drive alone. They did it out of love and because they knew it bugged the shit out of him, but sometimes they were just a little too much.
“I have a feeling you’re making it sound much less annoying than it was, but thank you anyway.” She went up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.
He didn’t answer either way, just enjoyed that she was willing not to put up a fight about it. When the elevator dinged, it opened right into the suite.
“Here we go,” he said, pulling her suitcase in behind him.
Hannah had never seen anything like this before. It looked to be two stories, had a kitchen, a fireplace, and a dining room table. “Garrett, this is amazing.”
“It is pretty awesome,” he conceded as he walked up the stairs to put her suitcase where the bed was. He had already been here and scoped it out for all of five minutes before he left to pick her up.
She glanced at the watch on her wrist and realized that it was getting to be early evening and she was getting hungry. “So what are our plans for tonight?” Her stomach picked that moment to growl, loudly.
Garrett cracked up and leaned over the banister to look at her. “First thing will be getting you some food. When was the last time you ate?”
“Early this morning. We’ve been on the go since then, and I have to admit, I was a little nervous about coming here.”
It had really been a lot nervous, but she didn’t need to tell him that. Her nerves were her own thing, he would learn about them soon enough.
He finished walking down the stairs and came to a stop in front of her. “There isn’t any reason for you to be nervous. I promise. I’m not going to ask you for something that you can’t give.”
She exhaled loudly. “I know, but this is all so different and new to me that I’m just nervous about it. You should be flattered.”
“I am, kinda,” he grinned.
Her eyes couldn’t help but follow him as he walked around the room. She wasn’t sure what he was doing, but when he picked up a piece of paper and handed it to her, she wanted to get down on her knees and thank him. It was a menu to room service.
“It all looks so good.” She bit her lip as she studied what was offered. “Are you hungry?” she looked up at him.
“I’m starving, to be honest. So why don’t we eat and then figure out what we want to do.”
“Sounds like a good plan to me.”
After mulling over the menu, the two of them made their choices, and he called it down so that it would be delivered to them. Just as he hung up the room phone, his cell phone rang and he hurried to answer it. “Yeah?”
Hannah did her best to not listen, but it was hard when they were in the same room, and when he glanced over at her and said ‘let me see what she wants to do’, she figured this included her as well.
“What’s going on?” she asked as he hung up the phone.
“The guys found this bar they want to check out. It’s supposed to be nice, and it’s in the west section of Omaha. They heard that it has good drinks and a rock-n-roll atmosphere. They want to know if we want to go with them.”
He watched as her eyes narrowed. She probably wasn’t used to this at all, so he hurried to smooth things over.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to; they were just trying to be polite. They know it’s important to me that you like them.”
“Then we’ll definitely go. I just hope I have something to wear,” she assured him.
It was obvious that he was worried about this. “If you’re sure.”
It hit her almost out of left field what the problem was. “If Jared gets out of hand, know that I won’t think it’s your fault or that it reflects badly on your band. He’s his own person, okay?”
“Okay, and I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to find something to wear. That suitcase was fuckin’ heavy.”
He had to give it to her; she didn’t
even give him a hard time about using that word.
“At least you’re strong enough to pick it up.”
She had a point there. He had kind of shown off for her. If that’s what it took to win her trust and heart, then he would keep doing it. No matter how long it took.
* * *
Hannah scrutinized her appearance in the bathroom’s full length mirror. She hadn’t wanted to dress up, but she hadn’t wanted to dress down either. She wanted to look nice. This was the first time she would be going out with a rock band. One that she had read stories about in the past. For a while, there had been a little blurb about them in every gossip magazine she picked up. Most of it had to do with them getting drunk and out of hand—usually in a strip club. The first time she would be hanging around the men that Garrett called best friends. To say she was nervous was an understatement, and she wanted to look perfect.
Facing the mirror, she took a picture with her phone and texted it to Shell.
Do I look acceptable for a night out with a bunch of rockers?
Within seconds, she got a reply.
You look hot! Go have fun for the both of us!
Hannah closed her eyes and took a deep breath before walking out of the bathroom. Garrett sat on the bed watching TV, but his eyes lifted up when he heard the door.
“Wow!” he breathed, his mouth opening and closing a few times.
“Do you like?” she turned around in a circle.
Did he like? The woman in front of him was so hot he was about to combust. She wore a little black dress with what looked like lace overlay. One shoulder was bare while the other sleeve went below her elbow. But what made the outfit were her hair and her shoes. Her hair had been curled into corkscrew curls, and her shoes were a bright aquamarine blue glitter with a black ribbon on the top. He normally wasn’t a shoe man, but these shoes made her legs look a mile long.
“I fucking love, and I say that with the utmost respect.”
She giggled. They were going to have to come to an agreement about that word. “Thanks. So you think I’m presentable for a night out with rock stars?”
“You are very presentable.” He stood up and stalked over to her. The heels gave her enough height so that she actually came up to his collar bone. Reaching out, he rested his hands on her hips and pulled her towards him so that they touched.
The quick movement he made caused her to stumble slightly against him. She tilted her head up so that she didn’t hit her nose on his chest. When she did, his eyes caught hers and they stared at one another for what seemed like forever. Hannah didn’t want to let him go, she dug her hands into the leather of the jacket he wore, not bringing him closer, but not allowing him to get away either.
“You look beautiful,” he said softly as he lowered his head, moving his hands around to the back of her neck. He picked up the mass of curls with his hands and buried them into her hair, pulling her mouth closer to his.
She didn’t want to tear her eyes away from his, but she had to close hers as his lips met hers. The kiss was much softer and sweeter than she had anticipated. Once their lips met, he didn’t try to coax them apart; he just softly stroked her hair and gave her light pecks. Hannah wanted more, but she was afraid that if she tried to take more it would run them headlong into a place she wasn’t sure she wanted to go yet. Removing her hand from his jacket, she ran it along the arm that held her head, stopping at his elbow and tightening her fingers there.
“Thanks,” she whispered as he pulled away, a smile tilting at the corners of her lips.
Her lipstick was smeared slightly, and he used his thumb to repair it then moved away from her body. “We got to get going. We’re meeting the guys downstairs. Remember, we don’t have to stay with them if they do something that makes you feel uncomfortable.”
She grabbed her jacket, a leather one that had been a gift from Shell for her last birthday. “I know…I don’t want you to worry about me. Things will be fine, let me just make sure I have my ID,” she told him as she rifled through a clutch that she carried.
“Got everything?” he asked as he stood next to the door.
“Sure do, I’m ready whenever you are.”
They got on the elevator, and he pressed the button for the ground floor. They didn’t say anything, and it wasn’t uncomfortable. She stood in front of him, leaning back against his body. He ran his hands along her sides. The elevator dinged as they reached the bottom floor, and they stepped out, Garrett grabbing her hand as they exited.
“The guys should be over here waiting for us in the bar,” he told her as they walked in the direction a sign pointed.
He could feel her hand shaking as they approached the hotel bar. “You okay?” he asked again.
“Just nervous. It’s something that happens when I get nervous. It’s hard to hide when you’re standing in front of thousands of people, but I can’t figure out why I can’t hide it with you,” she admitted.
“You don’t ever have to hide anything with me,” he assured her as they rounded the corner and he moved to open the door.
“I’ll try not to from now on,” she told him walking through the open door.
As she did, she heard wolf whistles from a group of guys sitting in a booth. She recognized them as the other members of the band. She might not been formally introduced, but she knew exactly what they looked like.
Garrett couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face and the chuckle that rumbled up in his throat. “That would be my friends. Classy, aren’t they?”
“They sure are. Before we go over there, I feel like we should commemorate this night. Take a picture with me.”
With him having the long arms, he pulled her to his side and stuck her phone out, taking a picture as they smiled. He handed it back to her and looked to see how well he had done.
“That’s a good picture, tag me in it,” he told her.
She nodded as she pressed a few buttons and uploaded the picture. The caption read.
My first time partying like a rock star with @ReaperBF! Wish me luck!
If people had been wondering about their relationship before, then they were wondering about it now. Sooner rather than later, Hannah knew that they would have to make some sort of statement. She figured after these next few days they would know for sure.
Never had a few days meant so much.
Chapter Eleven
* * *
“Guys, you know who she is, but you haven’t been formally introduced. Hannah, this is Jared, Bradley, and Chris.”
She nodded at each of them as they raised their hands when they were introduced. “It’s good to meet you guys, I hope you don’t mind that I’m crashing your party.”
“A beautiful woman like you? You’re not crashing it at all. You’re giving us a much better time,” Jared grinned up at her from where he sat.
“Don’t believe a word he says, he flirts with all the ladies,” Garrett said, running his hand down her back.
“Somehow, I think you’re telling me the truth,” she winked at Jared.
“So when are we leaving?” Bradley asked, running a hand through his black hair. She could see how he gotten his nickname of Raven.
“Whenever you want to.” Garrett pulled the keys to the Escalade out of his pocket and threw them for someone to catch them. “Whoever wants to drive, be my guest.”
Bradley caught the keys and threw some money on the table to cover the drinks they had while waiting. “Let’s roll, gentlemen and lady.”
The group of them made it to the Escalade and got in, Garrett taking a spot in the back that was extended. Only two people could sit there, and he brought Hannah along with him. The small space and his big body made them sit pressed up against each other.
“I hope you have a good time tonight,” he smiled at her. His voice was deep and intimate against her ear, the timbre causing goose bumps to form along her arms.
“I hope I do too.”
There was a silence in the vehicle, and s
he couldn’t help but feel that it was partially because of her. Hannah didn’t know these men well enough to break that silence. Just when she was about to say something, Jared turned around in his seat and faced her.
“So tell me, how much of a dick is Ashton Coleman?”
It took her by surprise, and she could hardly do anything but laugh. “I can’t believe you just said that to me,” she continued to laugh, but she was in shock.
“Oh c’mon. You dated the guy for like two years. You were obviously too good for him. If we’re going to accept you into the group, you’ve got to give us something,” Jared chastised her.
“You don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to,” Garrett told her, hitting Jared on the back of the head. “Dude, some people don’t talk shit about everybody like you do.”
“No, it’s okay,” she said. He was right. If there was anybody she could discuss how much of a jerk Ashton Coleman had been to her, it was these guys. “He really was a jerk.”
“No, honey.” Garrett put his arm around her. “Jared called him a dick.”
“Yeah, a dick and a jerk are two very different things,” Jared nodded.
“A dick is a straight-up asshole. Somebody that makes you or the people you care about cry. A jerk just makes you want to cancel his porn account. So, what was this guy?” Bradley asked from where he sat behind the steering wheel.
She chewed that around for thought. “Then he really was a dick,” she said the word softly, causing all the guys to crack up.
“It’s okay, you can say that around us,” Chris told her from his place beside Jared. “We’re not gonna run tell all the tabloids that you said a bad word.”
“Dude, don’t make fun of her,” Garrett piped up. “She lives a completely different life than we do.”
“No, it’s okay,” she told him, laying her hand on his thigh. “My life is kind of a joke compared to y’all’s. I can take it.”
“Yeah, Garrett, let her stand up for herself,” Jared needled his friend. He loved to get Garrett’s back up.